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GraphQL ClientSession Presentations

Performing Impossible Feats with Isograph

Wednesday, September 11 / 04:30p.m. PDT - 05:00p.m. PDT
Robert Balicki Profile Image
Robert BalickiPinterest, Staff software engineer

Today's web developers are asked to do the impossible. Fetch just the data needed for a given page, no more and no less, while avoiding network waterfalls. Splitting network requests so that users can see high priority content faster, without fetching the same field twice. Loading the minimal JavaScript. Ensuring that their apps show the latest data, without excessively re-rendering. Ensuring content is garbage collected, but not disposing of resources still in use. Yeesh! And all the while, they're asked to maintain this performance profile while other developers make changes willy nilly. Sounds impossible, and it is! With other frameworks, that is. Find out how Isograph makes all of this easy — and more! Isograph is a framework for building React apps powered by GraphQL data. See https://isograph.dev for more!